5 New Year Skin Care Resolutions You Can Achieve in 2023!

Black woman thinking about New Year, New Me New Year's Resolutions in 2023

You don’t have to look far to find “New Year, New Me” social media posts. It never fails. Wanna know what does fail? New Year’s resolutions. An estimated 91% of people who make New Year’s Resolutions fall short of reaching their goals. However, this doesn’t have to be your plight!

Instead, we’ve outlined five easy New Year’s resolution skin care tips you can easily incorporate into your daily regimen. It all starts with having some “skin in the game.” Read on to learn more. 

And if you want personalized suggestions based on your goals, take our free hair, beard, and skin quiz! 

New Year Skin Care Resolution #1: 

Moisturize Your Skin the Right Way

White woman moisturizing skin after getting out of a shower

Moisturizing your skin is important, but do you know the best way to do it? Many people jump out of the shower, completely dry off, and then apply a moisturizer. This method leaves a lot to be desired. 

Instead, add this simple skin moisturization regimen to your New Year’s resolution list for maximum benefits.

  1. Moisturize your skin within three minutes of leaving the bath to help lock in moisture and protect your skin barrier. 
  2. Before applying moisturizer, gently pat your skin and leave it damp. It will help your skin retain more moisture. Avoid completely drying off before applying moisturizer. 
  3. When you apply your moisturizer, gently massage it into your skin to help boost blood circulation to help increase product absorption. 

Pairing this technique and a nutrient-rich and vitamin-infused skin moisturizer, you will lock in moisture and reinforce your protective barrier. 

New Year Skin Care Resolution #2: 

Watch Out for Dangerous Synthetic Skin Care Ingredients

Black woman thinking about potentially harmful chemical ingredients in synthetic cosmetics

Anytime you apply products to your skin, the ingredients will be absorbed into your bloodstream. Simply put, you’re not just what you eat — but you are also what you put on your skin. This underscores the importance of reading skin care and cosmetic labels to be cognizant of what you're putting on and in your body. 

In all fairness, you may need a Ph.D. to understand 1/8th of the chemical ingredients in conventional skin care and cosmetics. And this is a problem. If your skin care products or cosmetics include any of the following potential carcinogenic ingredients, it's best to store them in the trash: 

  1. Petrolatum
  2. Benzophenone
  3. Parabens
  4. Diethanolamine (DEA)
  5. PEG
  6. Formaldehyde
  7. Oxybenzone

New Year Skin Care Resolution #3:

Opt for More Natural, Plant-Based Cosmetics & Skin Care Products

Natural, plant-based skin care ingredients list

Whether you use wrinkle cream, dark spot removal cream, or another product, most synthetic products work to replicate the performance of naturally occurring elements. Many synthetic products are effective, but the benefits may come at a very steep cost, such as cancer

Instead of liberally applying potential carcinogens to your skin, opting for safer, natural, plant-based skin care products can help you achieve your skin care goals without the potential cost. 

Best of all, reading the labels of natural, plant-based skin care products and cosmetics is easier. Look for skin care products loaded with premium natural ingredients, such as: 

New Year Skin Care Resolution #4:

 Don’t Forget Your Lips

Black woman with full lips

With more than one million nerve endings, your lips are 100 times more sensitive than your fingertips. Yet, your lips lack the ability to produce their own moisture, making them more susceptible to peeling, dryness, and environmental stressors. Additionally, water loss can be up to 10 times greater on your lips compared to other parts of your face or body.

For 2023, make a New Year's resolution to pay your lips the attention they deserve. We've made it extra easy and outlined a simple lip care regimen. 

  1. Exfoliate. Just as you exfoliate your face and other skin on your body, you should exfoliate your skin about once a week to remove dead skin cells.
  2. Moisturize. Once you exfoliate, your lips will be dry. Ain’t nobody got time for that! As such, use Butter by Q’s Icy Fresh Lip Balm to moisturize and hydrate your lips. Our all-natural, plant-based lip balm is infused with hydrating nutrients, such as shea butter, mango butter, jojoba oil, rosehip oil, and apricot oil. 
  3. Protect your lips. Your lips are extra vulnerable to wind and sun damage, so it's important to use a lip balm that offers protection. Butter by Q’s lip balm is made with shea butter and mango butter, which both act as natural sunscreen protectants against UVB rays. Shea butter offers an SPF of 3 to 4, while mango butter does the same. 
  4. Recondition your lips. Just as you recondition your hair, you should do the same with your lips. To recondition your lips, generously apply Butter by Q’s premium lip balm to your lips before you go to bed. Our Icy Fresh Lip balm can restore your lips overnight, so you wake up to soft and supple lips. 

New Year Skin Care Resolution #5: 

Shop Butter by Q’s Natural, Plant-Based Skin Care Products & Cosmetics

At Butter by Q, we offer all-natural, plant-based hair, skin, and beard care products handcrafted from the best ingredients Mother Nature has to offer. We skip chemical additives, artificial fragrances, perfumes, dyes, and preservatives. Instead, we use premium ingredients like shea butter, mango butter, rosehip oil, jojoba oil, and other plant-based extracts.

Our products work to provide daily nourishment to your hair, skin, and beard while helping remedy or improve a wide range of issues, such as eczema and atopic dermatitis, dry skin, beardruff, and many others. 

Take our hair, beard, and skin quiz for personalized suggestions to help you achieve your personal hair, beard, and skin goals.