What the 3 Wisemen Knew About the Benefits of Frankincense Oil for Hair & Skin

Matthew 2:1 - 12 tells us the inspirational story of Christ’s birth. Three wise men traveled from afar to see and shower baby Jesus with three precious gifts — and one was frankincense. Often called King of Oils, frankincense is one of the most diverse and dynamic oils on the market, making it fit for The King.

Fortunately, you don’t have to wait on wise men to bring you this gift — Butter by Q has you covered. We purposefully include premium frankincense oil in virtually all of our products. 

We do so because of the miraculous benefits of frankincense essential oil for skin and hair. Let’s explore the uses of frankincense oil for skin and hair and its benefits. 

Got hair, beard, or skin care goals? Butter by Q’s all-natural, plant-based line of products help. Take our free hair, beard, and skin quiz for personalized suggestions based on your goals. 

What Is Frankincense & Frankincense Essential Oil? 

Frankincense (olibanum) is a gum resin oil derived from frankincense trees (Boswellia genus) in Northern Africa, Oman, India, and Yemen. The resin has an aromatic, spicy, woodsy smell and is instrumental in many cosmetic and healthcare products. 

However, frankincense resin doesn’t just smell amazing — it's believed to have a number of benefits, including

  • Antiseptic properties
  • Anti-inflammatory properties 
  • Expectorant 
  • Anti-neurotic effects
  • Anxiolytic

Health Benefits of Frankincense Essential Oil

Infographic about the key benefits of frankincense essential oil

Because of the health benefits of Frankincense oil, it was a staple in traditional Ayurvedic medicine — one of the oldest medical systems in the world. Here are some of the top frankincense health benefits:

  1. Help reduce arthritis is one of the top health benefits of frankincense. It has anti-inflammatory properties that may help limit or reduce joint inflammation, improve mobility, and reduce osteoarthritis pain. 
  2. The gastric health benefits of frankincense can be beneficial for those with irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, and other inflammatory gut conditions. 
  3. The health benefits of frankincense extend to those with asthma and bronchitis. In fact, traditional medicine has used frankincense to treat these conditions for centuries.
  4. The boswellic acids found in frankincense have antibacterial properties that can help treat and prevent oral infections.  
  5. Some research suggests frankincense's health benefits also include anti-cancer effects. Frankincense reportedly helps limit cancer growth and reduce cancer treatment side effects. 

Additional potential frankincense health benefits include:

  • Stronger immune system
  • Improved brain function
  • Promote healthier sleep quality 

Different Uses for Frankincense Oil

Frankincense can be consumed as a supplement, inhaled via aromatherapy, or absorbed through the skin. When properly diluted with a carrier oil, the uses for frankincense oil include:

  • Incense
  • Toothpaste
  • Perfumes
  • Soaps
  • Essential oil

When diluted or used in a product, you can apply the frankincense health benefits directly to your skin, face, hair, and beard. 

Frankincense Essential Oil Benefits for Skin

Three black women with natural hair and white blouses

Frankincense is among the most valuable ingredients for plant-based skincare and natural cosmetics. Thanks to its antiseptic, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties, frankincense can help your skin in more ways than one: 

  • Combats wrinkles, fine lines, crow's feet, and other signs of aging
  • Calms and soothes irritated skin
  • Speeds wound healing and scar treatment
  • Prevents and treats acne 
  • Prevents and treats atopic dermatitis eczema
  • Treats and prevents ingrown hairs

Frankincense Oil Is Good for Wrinkles, Fine Lines, Crows Feet & Other Signs of Aging 

Mature black woman with good skin and no signs of aging.

Frankincense is a powerful natural anti-aging solution boasting the ability to slow or turn back the hands of time: 

  • Improve skin elasticity 
  • Help tone the skin to reduce fine lines, 
  • Minimize crow's feet, and 
  • Reduce the appearance of wrinkles. 

Frankincense skin benefits also include reducing or preventing the appearance of sunspots.  

Frankincense Helps Calm and Sooth Irritated Skin 

Because of its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, frankincense oil can help repair and heal damaged skin. The anti-inflammatory benefits of frankincense essential oil for skin include stimulating new cell growth to help expedite recovery. 

Frankincense Helps Speed Wound Healing 

White woman with a scar on her shoulder blade that's healing.

Frankincense has special ingredients called monoterpenes, which are skin-healing compounds. In addition to helping to expedite the wound healing process, monoterpenes can help fade the appearance of stretch marks and other scars. 

Frankincense Is Great for Oily Skin and Acne

As a natural astringent, frankincense helps regulate sebum production to prevent your skin from appearing oily. It can also help reduce acne inflammation and soothe the skin because it contains boswellic acid that can help kill acne-causing bacteria.

How to Use Frankincense Oil for Eczema?

White man with eczema on forearm and dry skin.

Thanks to antioxidant and anti-inflammation properties, frankincense can be an effective skincare additive for those with eczema and psoriasis. It helps calm inflamed skin and can help the skin heal from eczema breakouts. 

Can Frankincense Oil Help with Ingrown Hairs? 

Ingrown hairs are no fun. And sometimes, the ingrown hairs can lead to an infection and pus. However, the antiseptic properties of frankincense oil can prevent pus-ridden ingrown hairs. 

Should I Apply Frankincense Essential Oil on the Skin? 

You should never apply any undiluted essential oil directly onto your skin. Using undiluted essential oils on your skin or in your nostrils can lead to burns or irritation. You can, however, choose products that include frankincense

Benefits of Frankincense Oil for Hair & Beard

Black woman with natural curly hair.

Beautiful and healthy hair starts at the root — literally — which is the scalp. And frankincense oil offers a number of benefits for the hair and beard.

Frankincense Hair Benefits May Include Growth

Using frankincense for hair growth may help you achieve your goals. While we are not saying frankincense will grow your hair, it can help stimulate blood circulation through your hair follicles and scalp. Improved blood promotion can promote hair growth and

  • Reduce split ends, 
  • Reduce hair loss,
  • Prevent hair thinning,
  • Reduce tangles, and 
  • Add shine and luster to hair.

Frankincense Oil Can Help Reduce Dandruff & Beardruff

Frankincense oil can help reduce sebum production and prevent excess oil accumulation on the scalp. Too much sebum oil is directly related to scalp infections, dandruff, and scaly patches. Frankincense is also a powerful additive in different all-natural beard dandruff and beardruff remedies

Shop Hair, Skin & Beard Products with Frankincense with Butter by Q’s 

Butter by Q product image collage.

At Butter by Q, we started out with making one product — our eczema balm — for our daughter. Based on scientific research, we created an all-natural, plant-based eczema balm that was as effective as it was safe. Among many other proven all-natural ingredients, frankincense has always been a key additive in our products because of the exceptional benefits it offers.

Browse all of our products! And if you have questions, feel free to reach out to the Butter by Q team 

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