Stop & Prevent Heat Rash With a Plant-Based, Natural Treatment

Millions of Americans suffer from heat rash, making it one of the most common skin conditions. Even though it's not dangerous, heat rash can be extremely itchy and difficult to treat. Fortunately, there are multiple natural heat rash remedies that can stop the itch on its track and prevent it from recurring.   

What Is Heat Rash or Prickly Heat Rash?

White man with prickly heat rash

A heat rash is also called a prickly heat rash, miliaria, or sweat rash. It occurs when someone has blocked or inflamed sweat glands or sweat pores. The blocked or inflamed glands prevent sweat from escaping to the surface of your skin. Instead of evaporating, the sweat is trapped underneath the skin, causing irritation and bumps, which is heat rash or prickly heat rash.

Is a Prickly Heat Rash or Heat Rash Dangerous? 

Cactus symbolizing prickly heat rash

No, a heat rash is not necessarily dangerous. It can, however, be irritating and profusely itchy. If left unchecked, the itch-scratch cycle can worsen, and the tiny bumps can break, causing an infection. 

While many heat rashes will clear up naturally in a few days, this condition can be a recurring affair for some. If you are in the latter group, the heat rash can be difficult to remedy. 

What Are the Different Types of Heat Rash?

There are four different types of heat rash based on how deep the sweat is trapped underneath the skin. Each type of heat rash has its own unique signs and symptoms: 

  1. The mildest form of heat rash is miliaria crystallina, characterized by tiny, clear, fluid-filled bumps that break easily when the opening of the sweat duct on the surface of the skin is blocked. 
  2. Miliaria rubra, or prickly heat, occurs deeper in the skin and appears as small, inflamed blister-like bumps with itching or prickling in the affected area. 
  3. Miliaria pustulosa is a less common form of heat rash that occurs when the inflamed bumps of miliaria rubra fill with pus. 
  4. Miliaria profunda affects the deepest layer of the skin and causes firm, painful, or itchy inflamed bumps that resemble goosebumps and may break open.

Where Are the Common Areas for a Heat Rash to Occur?

Heat rashes are more likely to occur in hot and humid weather conditions, especially in Florida, Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina. Heat rashes are also more likely to occur when you wear tight or synthetic clothing that does not allow your skin to breathe. Heat rashes appear as small, red, itchy bumps anywhere on the body but are most common in areas where sweat collects, such as: 

  • Armpits
  • Back
  • Elbow creases
  • Inside of the elbow
  • Arm
  • Back of Knees
  • Waist
  • Under the breast
  • Chest
  • Groin
  • And more

What Factors Contribute to the Development of a Heat Rash?

If you suffer from recurring heat rash, you may be more likely to develop a prickly heat rash in the following conditions: 

  • Hot and humid weather conditions
  • Physical activity that causes sweating
  • Wearing tight or synthetic clothing that does not allow the skin to breathe
  • Being a newborn, as their sweat ducts are not yet fully developed
  • Having a fever or other conditions that cause sweating
  • Using thick comedogenic products that can clog sweat ducts

But Why Do I Get a Heat Rash Every Year? 

While some people may never develop heat rash, others regularly suffer from these small, itchy bumps. If you are in the latter group, the germ Staphylococcus epidermidis may play a role. These bacteria live harmlessly on your skin and are not considered an infection. However, when the bacterium produces a sticky substance that combines with dead skin cells and excess sweat, it creates the perfect environment for a sweat gland blockage, which means a heat rash. According to one study on miliaria, people who develop heat rash average three times more bacteria per unit area of skin than those who do not. 

How to Prevent Heat Rash?

As with any condition, the best course of action is prevention. Here are a few tips you can use to prevent heat rash:

  1. Stay cool: Avoid hot and humid environments and stay in an air-conditioned space if possible. If you must be outside in hot weather, take breaks in shaded or air-conditioned areas and avoid physical activity during the hottest part of the day.
  2. Wear loose and breathable clothing: Choose lightweight and loose-fitting clothing made from breathable fabrics like cotton, linen, or rayon. Avoid tight or synthetic fabrics that can trap heat and sweat against the skin.
  3. Keep skin dry: Avoid wearing sweat- or water-soaked clothing.
  4. Hydrate: Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and help regulate your body temperature. 
  5. Take cool showers or baths: Taking cool showers or baths can help lower your body temperature and prevent the buildup of sweat on your skin.
  6. Use fans or air conditioning: Use fans or air conditioning to circulate cool air and help reduce the temperature and humidity of your environment.

While effective, these tips are not always practical or even possible, especially for children. The best course of action is to know how to treat and prevent heat rash from occurring. And Butter by Q's Eczema Balm can help.  

Butter by Q’s Eczema Balm Is a Fast Natural Heat Rash Treatment

Butter By Q’s Eczema Balm is a proven, natural heat rash treatment. But our Eczema Balm doesn’t just treat heat rash — its purposefully selected, non-comedogenic (non-pore-clogging) ingredients and nutrients can help prevent heat rash. Together the shea butter, jojoba oil, rosehip oil, and botanical extracts in each jar of Eczema Balm help stop and prevent heat rash dead in its bumpy, itchy tracks. 

Shea Butter Helps Treat & Prevent Heat Rash

As the first ingredient in natural skincare and our Eczema Balm, shea butter can provide instant relief from itchy and inflamed skin. Shea butter is loaded with ingredients like Vitamins A and E, which can help remedy sunburns and even prevent heat rash from ever occurring. 

Jojoba Oil Flushes Dead Skin Cells & Repairs Damaged Skin 

Jojoba oil boasts exceptional anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-oxidative, and anti-itching properties that help soothe swollen, itchy, and red skin. This premium all-natural, plant-based cosmetic ingredient helps flush out grime, dirt, and dead skin cells from your pores, acting like a skin cleanser. Because it contains minerals like iodine, zinc, selenium, chromium, and copper, jojoba oil can promote new cell growth, helping to heal cuts and wounds. 

Rosehip Oil Helps Prevent Recurring Heat Rash 

Rosehip oil includes myriad unsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants that make it perfect for conditions like atopic dermatitis or eczema and heat rash. It features essential fatty acids like Omega-6 and linoleic acid that penetrate the layers of your heat-rash-damaged skin to heal and repair it. It also contains phenols with antibacterial properties that help prevent heat rash in those with extra bacteria on the skin. In addition, rosehip is a natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent full of heat rash healing and prevention properties. 

Carefully-Sourced Botanical Extracts Help Combat & Prevent Heat Rash

Our Eczema Balm includes Apricot Oil and carefully selected botanical extracts, such as chamomile, frankincense, and others. These additional nutrients help amplify the anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and healing qualities of other ingredients. 

Stop & Prevent Heat Rash with Butter by Q's All-Natural Eczema Balm

We get it — if you have a heat rash or recurring heat rash, you've probably tried several different products to no avail. But Butter by Q’s Ezcema Balm was specifically formulated for those with sensitive skin and rashes. It includes many powerful, safe, plant-based, and all-natural ingredients scientifically proven to help treat and remedy heat rash. Most importantly, our Eczema Balm has antibacterial properties, skin cleaning, and skin-nourishing ingredients to prevent heat rash from occurring. 

Shop Butter by Q Eczema Balm to stop and prevent heat rash.