Buy with Prime FAQs

Buy with Prime to enable millions of Prime members in the United States to conveniently shop directly from participating online retailers, enjoying the Amazon experience, which includes

  • Fast 2-day, free delivery 
  • A seamless checkout process, and 
  • Easy return options on eligible orders

When browsing Butter by Q, the Buy with Prime logo and delivery commitment on eligible products indicate the availability of free delivery, often as quickly as the next day. Click the Buy with Prime button, sign into your Amazon account through a secure connection, and your shipping and payment information is automatically populated. You'll receive an order confirmation email when the transaction is complete and another email with tracking information when it ships.

When you’re ready to purchase from Butter by Q with Buy with Prime, choose the Buy with Prime option at checkout. Then, you’ll be prompted to sign into your Amazon Account. Next, you will complete the purchase using the stored and preferred method based on your Amazon account.

Yes, Buy with Prime through Butter by Q offers the same fast, hassle-free delivery experience you’ve come to expect from Amazon. 

To monitor the status of your order, click the link in your shipment confirmation email. It will direct you to the order details page on Butter by Q. It's important to note you can't view Buy with Prime transactions from the orders page or within the Amazon mobile app.

If you have any inquiries or encounter any issues with your Buy with Prime order, contact us at Your order confirmation email will also contain a link to check the status of your order. 

Yes! Prime membership is required to use Buy with a Prime order. Clicking the Buy with Prime button will prompt you to log in to your Amazon account to process the order with your payment and shipping details saved in your Amazon.

You can not use Amazon gift cards or points as a payment method for your Buy with Prime order. gift cards can only be used to purchase products and services through and other sites as explained in the Gift Card Terms and Conditions. You can, however, purchase Butter by Q’s products directly from our store. 

Buy with Prime orders can only be shipped and placed within the United States.

While most orders arrive on time, sometimes they may show up after the delivery date. Most often, late deliveries are caused by:

  • Severe weather conditions
  • Providing the wrong address
  • Missing building, apartment, unit, or floor number
  • Other types of carrier-related delays

In the event you do not receive your order in the anticipated time frame, we suggest you take the following steps:

  1. Go to your order confirmation email and click the link to check the status of your order. The shipment confirmation email should also have a link to track your package. 
  2. Confirm the right shipping address from the order details page.
  3. Wait 48 hours to account for unexpected delays.

The sales tax applied to your orders is determined by various factors, such as the nature of the item purchased and your delivery address. The tax rate comprises both state and local rates associated with your specific address. For instance, even if you reside in a state without sales tax, your order may still incur tax if it is delivered to a different state. The calculation and charging of sales tax occur at the moment you place the order.

Currently, we are in the process of working with Buy with Prime to add more of our products.